CIMA Awards Press Release

The CIMA statue Yugoslav born artist VASA

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Catholics in Media Associates (CIMA) 17th Annual Awards

honor Fox Television’s “Glee” and The Hurt Locker”

Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP receives

CIMA Board of Directors Award

Golden Globe Award-winner Samantha Eggar hosts

Beverly Hills Hotel event

(Los Angeles, CA, February 28, 2010 –  The Catholics in Media Associates (CIMA) 17th Annual Mass and Awards Brunch on Sunday, February 28 honored the Fox Television series “Glee” and the feature film “The Hurt Locker” with film reviewer and veteran Venice Film Festival Catholic jury member Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP receiving the CIMA 2010 Board of Directors Award.  The celebration, which returned for a second year to the Crystal Ballroom of the Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA, began with a Mass at 10 AM, presided over by His Eminence, Cardinal Roger Mahony with a brunch and awards ceremony afterwards, according to CIMA President Jane Abbott. Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe and Cannes’ Palm d’Or-winning actress Samantha Eggar (“The Collector”) was special guest host.  Patricia Boren and John Kelly served as producer and co-chairs of the event.  John and Gloria Gebbia served as honorary co-chairs.

The CIMA Awards were created in 1992 by former DGA President Jack Shea and other prominent Catholics in the entertainment industry. Their purpose is “To promote and applaud individuals, films and TV programs that uplift the spirit and help us better understand what it is to be part of the human family.”

The CIMA 2010 Film Award was presented to “The Hurt Locker” directed by 2010 Oscar nominee and DGA/PGA/BAFTA Award-winner Kathryn Bigelow and written by Mark Boal (2010 Oscar and WGA nominee), who was embedded with an actual EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) bomb squad. One of the most critically-acclaimed films of 2009, “The Hurt Locker,” filmed in Jordan, follows the tour of a U.S. Army EOD team (Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie and …

Brian Geraghty) as they defuse bombs, deal with the threat of insurgency and the growing tensions which develop among their unit. Catherine Hardwicke (“Twilight,” “The Nativity”) presented the 2010 CIMA Film Award to “Hurt Locker” editors Bob Murawski and Chris Innis who represented Ms. Bigelow, who was indisposed, and who read her acceptance speech:

“I am brokenhearted that I am not able to be there in person today to accept this phenomenal award from Catholics in the Media Associates (CIMA).  This community holds a truly special place in my heart as the very first award ‘The Hurt Locker’ received was the Signis Award at the Venice Film Festival in 2008.   It was via the Signis Award that I met the remarkable Sr. Rose Pacatte.  Sr. Rose recognized the humanity in the film and the message of the futility of war and value of life. I am delighted with the recognition the film has been able to bring to such a difficult situation and to the men and women who put their lives at risk every day so that others can be safe. Thank you to Catholics in Media Associates (CIMA) for your recognition and support.  It means so much to me.  Also my sincerest congratulations to Sr. Rose for her award today!  Her tenacity, vitality and joy of life make her a national treasure.  Congratulations, Sr. Rose.”

According to CIMA 2010 Awards co-chairs Patricia Boren and John Kelly, “CIMA chose to honor ‘The Hurt Locker’ because of its uncompromising approach to the Iraq war and its consequences seen through the experience of the bomb diffusion specialists for whom war becomes an addiction rather than a cause. The film depoliticizes the heroic work of the EOD specialists and lets the audience experience the human toll war takes on people and the intense psychological struggle of the soldiers to find meaning in life beyond the dangerous work they do.”

Past CIMA Award feature films include: “Doubt;” “In the Valley of Elah;” “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe;” “Hotel Rwanda;” “The Passion of the Christ;” “Seabiscuit;” “Dead Man Walking;” “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan,” among many others.

The 2010 CIMA Television Award was presented to the Fox Television series “Glee,” which recently was honored as “Favorite New TV Comedy” at the 36th Annual People’s Choice Awards and as “Best TV Series – Musical or Comedy” by the 2010 Golden Globe Awards.  Created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan, “Glee” focuses on a high school Spanish teacher who becomes director of a glee club at a fictional Midwest high school and who hopes to restore it to its former glory.  “Glee” cast member Iqbal Theba (“Glee’s “Principal Figgins”) made the 2010 CIMA TV Award presentation to Mr. Brennan and “Glee” Producer Alexis Martin.

CIMA selected “Glee” because of its beautiful and kind heart,” said long-time CIMA member and screenwriter Brian Oppenheimer. “These talented actors play students who reflect the diversity of our schools today and the many challenges facing young people. The show demonstrates how the arts integrate life and learning in a joyful way, tinged with humor and sometimes pathos, as kids and teachers try to figure out the best choices to make in life.”

Past CIMA Television Award recipients include: “Without A Trace;” “Ugly Betty;” “Cold Case;” “Medium;” “Joan of Arcadia;” “The West Wing;” Judging Amy;” “Homicide – Life on the Streets;” “The Practice” and “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood,” among many others.

The 2010 CIMA Board of Directors Award was presented to Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP, MEd Media Studies, Director, Pauline Center for Media Studies (PCMS) and media literacy education specialist, film and television journalist and author. Sr. Rose has been involved in media since she entered the Daughters of St. Paul more than 40 years ago, from publishing to filmmaking. She has served on ecumenical and Catholic juries at the Venice, Locarno, and Berlin Film Festivals. In 2008 she was the president of the SIGNIS (Catholic) jury at Venice. She also served on the jury for short films at the Newport Beach Film Festival in 2006. Since 2000, Sr. Rose has been co-director of the National Film Retreat and has taught film and spirituality courses at LMU, Saddleback College, and the University of Dayton.

CIMA President Jane Abbott notes: “The CIMA Board of Directors honors Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP for her leadership role in the world of media literacy and for her passionate advocacy of media projects which illuminate the complexities and challenges of the human condition. CIMA also cites Sr. Rose’s significant contributions as an author, columnist, film reviewer and presenter and her tireless efforts as a Catholic panelist on some of the world’s most prestigious film festival juries, including Toronto, Venice and Berlin.”

Presenting the CIMA Board of Directors Award to Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP is Producer/Director Tom Shadyac (“Bruce Almighty,” “Patch Adams,” Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” and the television series “8 Simple Rules.” Past CIMA Board of Directors Award recipients include the late Fr. Ellwood “Bud” Kieser, CSP and the television series “7th Heaven.”

Academy Award nominee, Golden Globe Award and Cannes’ Palm d’Or winner Samantha Eggar hosted the 2010 CIMA Award ceremonies. Following her stage debut opposite Albert Finney in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Eggar was cast in a host of British films before being handpicked by director William Wyler for “The Collector,” which won her an Oscar nomination, international acclaim at the Cannes Film Festival with the Palm d’Or Award and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.  Eggar starred opposite Cary Grant in “Walk Don’t Run,” opposite Rex Harrison and Anthony Newley in “Dr. Doolittle” and opposite Sean Connery and Richard Harris in “The Molly Maguires,” among many other memorable film and television appearances.


CIMA was formed in 1992 by working professionals in the entertainment industry to help them relate their faith to their professional lives.  Through the annual awards, CIMA recognizes films, television programs and other entertainment forms that lift the spirit and help us better understand what it is to be part of the human family.  Catholics in Media Associates (CIMA) is a California non-profit public benefit corporation.

Director Catherine Hardwicke presented the CIMA award for The Hurt Locker to editors Bob Murawski and Chris Innis

Alexis Martin Woodall and Ian Brennan are presented with the CIMA Award for GLEE by (the principal!) Iqbad Theba.

Oscar nominee Samantha Eggar was the host for the event; here she is with Cardinal Mahony who celebrated the Mass

The meaning of the CIMA statue

Each CIMA Award is an original, signed abstract expressionist work in laminated acrylic by the Yugoslav born artist, Vasa Mihich. Naturalized an American citizen in 1967, Vasa is a Professor of Art at the University of California at Los Angeles and is internationally recognized for his work. His artwork“affirmatively confronts the spiritual and physical surroundings from which it arises, and is seeking its place.”

This piece was chosen to symbolize the ideals of CIMA because its obliquely ascending, three-sided, luminous prism represents our human and imperfect reach to capture the Light of the Trinity in illuminating our work. In containing the same elements of beauty of this sculptural piece, we honor our colleagues’ works as “vehicles of light” and express our gratitude to them for presenting the complex colors of the human condition.