New vocation video about the Daughters of St. Paul


Screenplay Competition: ActOne

Click here for more information  ActOne Screenplay Competition

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen … is a delight


By Sr. Rose Pacatte, F.S.P.
Source: St. Anthony Messenger/On Faith and Media

Dr. Alfred Jones “Fred” (Ewan McGregor) is a staid civil servant in London, an expert in the fisheries division of the government. He leads a quiet life with his mostly absent professional wife Mary (Rachael Sterling).  One day the department receives a letter from Harriet (Emily Blunt) inviting them to allow Fred to consult on a fishing project for Sheik Mohammad (Amr Waked).

The wealthy sheik has learned to love salmon fishing in Scotland where he has one of his many estates. He wants to create the same peaceful experience for his people in Yemen.

Fred scoffs at the idea of importing salmon to the Yemen due to climate and terrain. He resists but Patricia (Kristen Scott Thomas), the prime minister’s PR person, thinks it is a brilliant idea to demonstrate the government’s efforts to partner with a Middle Eastern country for a peace effort. Fred is basically forced to take on the task when his boss hints that his job may be terminated.

Harriett is very professional; she works for the firm that manages the sheik’s property and affairs. She and Fred go to Scotland to visit the sheik. Although Fred is still incredulous about the idea of salmon fishing in Yemen, a country without a single permanent river, he is drawn to the sheik’s vision of faith and possibility.

Continue reading here at ON FAITH & MEDIA

American Idol’s Jessica Sanchez: when the whole world held its breath

If you ever doubt the power of music to transcend daily life, listen to Jessica Sanchez’s rendition of  “And I Will Always Love You”. Jessica channels Whitney and when she pauses just before she belts out “And I-I-I will always love you” I think the whole world held its breath. I did. I don’t think I have EVER seen Randy Jackson so moved. Jennifer Lopez says, “God blesss you” and Steve Tyler tells Jessica: you just made 40 million people cry.

Dolly Parton’s little song …

Maybe “American Idol” isn’t ready to give up the ghost yet after all (and I love “The Voice”!)

The Tree of Life Screening & Panel Landmark Theater June 22, 2011

The Silence PBS Frontline special on clergy sex abuse in Alaska to air tonight or online

For my review click here: PBS “Frontline” to air THE SILENCE tonight: clergy sex abuse in Alaska

Elsie Boudreau & Alberta Steve: their stories are told in "The Silence"

The Silence website

Islamic cultural center at WTC site? I offer this response: “Do you see me? Do I see you?”

Meet the Sisters – a music video about the Daughters of St. Paul

Sr Tracy Dugas, FSP, and friends made this for our annual dinner-dance fundraiser held last Saturday night at St. Augustine’s in Culver City. Enjoy! (Have we got talent, or what?)

Here are the lyrics:

Original Song written by Patrick Dwyer and Sr. Tracey Dugas Sung by Patrick Dwyer Background Vocals by Sr. Tracey Dugas

The Pauline Family Song

Now Sister Rose she always knows about the latest movies YO and writes reviews excessively about faith hope and charity

Jeopardy just seems to be where she lets out anxiety she may not see ‘tween you and me thats where she tests OUR charity

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

And when we see Sr Hosea we can guess just what shell saya writin books that cannot wait-a, plus shes tryin to graduate

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

Chorus Oh Gee cant you see that were a blessed community and God can use diversity to make this Pauline Family

Now Sister Lupes originally a California girl you see so she can go both near and far bringing Gods Word in a car She organizes book exhibits cause St. Paul would never qui-its

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

Sister Madonna always wants ta tells others bout Jesus on a Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and a when she needs to chill she bakes a cake or rolls and we’re all gonners oh, uh oh

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

Chorus Oh Gee cant you see that were a blessed community and God can use diversity to make this Pauline Family aaaa eee oo, a e i o u.

Sister Tracey talks and sings about the whole discernment thing she also lives artistically but most of all she talks and talks and talks and talks and talk and wont shut up

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

Chorus Oh Gee cant you see that were a blessed community and God can use diversity to make this Pauline Family aaaa eee oo, a e i o u.

Sister Maria Josephs been around the most and knows and prays for everybody here and as we know shes got a phone and not afraid to use it in a chair or on the stair in fact shell use it anywhere.

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

We always know when Sister Jos around because her birds will go Makes sure that we all work together in our evangelization efforts

Uh, oh, uh oh, uh oh

So the last but not the least is Sister Jennifer and shes the new addition of the nuns at Pauline Books & Media she’s lovin’ California and can’t wait to meet all of ya so come down, come down, come on come on down

so this ends our little story but dont you be in such a hurry weve one thing left to ask of you and yep you guessed it, yes, its money

Oh gee cant you see that youre part of our family, so please support our ministry cause we need help financially

(Oh yeah we pulled that one on you! God bless!)

President of SIGNIS questions church commitment to communications


Here is my blog entry about SIGNIS first days: Catholic professional questions church commitment to communication

Yesterday was a good day, too, and I hope to post something later today. Blessings!

Follow my trip on Facebook & Twitter


You may have noticed I have not been posting to my blog recently. This is because I am on the road… on a wonderful journey of communication and communio in Singapore and Thailand. I spent 9 days in Singapore with our Sisters and the Association of Pauline Cooperators for several workshops on media literacy and faith formation and cinema and spirituality. Wonderful (though really, really hot and humid!).

I am now in Chiang Mai, Thailand for the World Congress for Catholic Communication: SIGNIS. The theme is CHILDREN’S RIGHTS: TOMORROW’S PROMISE.

You can follow on Facebook and Twitter if you’d like (lots of photos, including the visit to the elephant reserve yesterday!):

Twitter: SrRoseMovies  and then #swc2009

Fr. Peter Malone, MSH (Lights, Camera, Faith!) and Theresa Khoo, a Pauline Cooperator from Singapore

Fr. Peter Malone, MSH (Lights, Camera, Faith!) and Theresa Khoo, a Pauline Cooperator from Singapore

Peter will be giving a workshop on Asian Cinema and Spirituality…

Watch this space!